Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Sad Day

The sun is shining, but our hearts are sad today. My sister put her dog to sleep yesterday. Allegra was her princess and she will truly be missed.

All three of us sisters did get to spend some time with her while we were in Wisconsin and had our 'Sister's Day'. Allegra was yapping away and yelling at all of us for not having come to see her sooner. You know how collies are!! :)

I am so glad I got to see her, get some pictures of her, groom her and say goodbye. Not that it makes this day easier, but you dog owners will know exactly what I mean.

Please go on Jacque's blog 'the doodles of my mind' and see the wonderful picture that was taken yesterday and a couple pictures of Allegra.

We will truly miss that little girl. Take care Jacque.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading Jacque'a blog made me cry. I feel so bad for her, what a horrible decision to have to make. Joyce