Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Sunny Sunny Sunday

I had a great day. I woke up this morning and decided that I would rake some leaves after my 2 cups of coffee. So, I raked for 2 hours and will pay for it tomorrow with pain in my upper arms especially. I had Manley out for most of the time, but he kept spreading out the leaves that I had in a pile. Evidentally he thinks its fun to undo mom's work.

The weather was sunny sunny and in the 60's. A nice little breeze and enjoyed it all day long.

Catherine and I had planned on going to Farmington, New Mexico, to Sam's Club. She picked me up about 12:30 with a special treat (chocolate flavored coffee) and we set off for the hour drive.

We went to a mexican store and got some wonderful pastries (no idea what they are called) and she picked up some meat, tamales and rice. Then we went to Sam's and got a big cart full of household items, meat, cleaning items, baking items and I got myself some wine and kitty litter.

The view is much better driving toward Durango than going south into New Mexico. (No, I did not take my camera.) When Catherine dropped me off, she came in and was greeted with a big hug from Manley. He is so funny. She left a couple of tamales and some sausage meat for me to try.

It was relaxing just to ride along and it is nice to enjoy her Sam's card discount!! She writes out the check and I give her cash. What more could you want??

I am now watching Sunday night football, laughing my butt off over the CapitolOne commercial with "Timmy's in the well". Must be a new one. My sisters will understand what that was about. Especially Jill.

I am going to get my pictures off of my new camera posted here soon. Just haven't taken the time to do it.

Pay day coming this Wednesday and lots of groceries to buy and rent to pay. I work Monday through Thursday, then work Sunday through Friday next week. Fun times at Walgreen's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a busy but fun day you had!!!
We are getting our first snow here!
Maybe an inch so far.
We both need to get our pics off the cameras.
Love you, Joyce