Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Wall Hanging



This is now hanging on the wall to the left of my bathroom door where I previously had sconces hanging.  The frame was originally a medium oak, but I painted it a burnt orange to bring out some of the colors.   I love that it has cowboys, horses AND bright colors too!! 


This ceramic flower was a little treat to myself today.  (Under $5.00 and it is more purple than the picture shows.)  It is sitting front and center on the base of the tv.  I also bought a Christmas, Birthday, OR Sister’s Day present for each of my 3 sisters.  Whichever event comes first!! 

I was downtown today for lunch with Debbie.  We went to Gazpacho’s, a great Mexican food place and GREAT margarita’s!!  Plus we had a coupon. Then I went for a stroll down Main Ave.  It was bright, sunny and in the 60’s.  It was so nice to walk around without a jacket on. 


The snow is melting and I can see the rock/herb garden again!  Manley is glad that some snow has melted, as now he can eat the little twigs on the ground again. 

Manley applied for a job today.  Good boy!  He called the owner of EconoLodge (where I use to work) and left a message letting Mike know that he was applying for the front desk agent position.  But, he was asking for a higher hourly rate, as his tail wag is in such high demand!!   And Manley also let Mike know that he is friendly and personable, and even though he has no thumbs, he can still type-- just not as fast as his mom.  Plus,  he is highly qualified for breakfast ‘cleanup’. 

(Remember, Mike and Catherine are good friends of mine and they, especially Mike, LOVE Manley.)

So, hope Manley hears something soon, as he could use the money cuz he might not get paid for picking up pine cones and sticks this year from his mom.  He’ll either be at a real job or will refuse--due to lack of getting paid a decent wage.  Manley does not work for free!! 

So, that’s it on the job front.  Applying and sending resume’s and checking back, but nothing yet.  Will keep you all posted!! 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Moon is Peeking at Me!!!



Just had to put this picture on my blog.  The moon is peeking through the trees right out my bedroom window up the hill.  These oak saplings still have some of their leaves on from last year.

So, hope y’all had a good day.  I did.  I have actually had a couple of good days. 

Yesterday morning I went and dropped off my resume’ at Dr. Ciotti’s, my very own doctor’s clinic. They had one of the receptionists quit this last week, and they are a busy clinic.  I know both doctors, the PA, the nurse and the receptionists from going there and from working at Walgreen’s.  Then, lo and behold, my friend Catherine walked in with her sick daughter. We chatted a bit and I told the receptionist that if she wanted a good reference----there she was!

I went to get my haircut (short and spiky) and colored and then spent part of the afternoon relaxing and reading.  Spent some time in the hot tub too.  About 4:30 the kids invited me over to meet some of their friends from SteamBoat, Co and we had fun playing beer pong and chatting til 9ish.  Manley joined the party at one point and got lots of attention.  He is a reallllll party animal!! 

This morning I went out to feed cats…. and then Catherine called and we went to Farmington. She brought me a turkey/cheese sandwich and chips from home, as I had not eaten yet. Then we stopped at Starbucks, got coffee and dessert, then stopped in the Toyota dealer to get her bluetooth reconnected.  We talked with Don, the salesman who sold me my car.  He is just too cute and nice!  And both he and Catherine are from Texas.  Ya know, with the drawl.  Gotta love it! Then we got to Farmington, stopped at the Mexican store for tamales and chorizo and then to Sam’s.  She let me add wine, chicken, strawberries and grapes  on her Sam’s card and then I paid her back.  Then she got us some drinks for the ride home. 

I know, this is long, but a good story!!

****Catherine told me that she had talked with Dr. Ciotti (might as well go right to the top!) yesterday, and told her that it would really benefit their clinic to have me as an employee.  I am friendly, good with people, hard worker………..

I am really blessed to have Catherine in my life as a friend and support person.  We had a lot of fun today and she really needed to just have a grown up girl day after a tough week.

Oh Jacque---she LOVES my quilt, kitty quilts and pillow cases!! 

So, I am going to see what is on tv or if reading my book would be better.  I’m reading ‘Last Snow’ by Eric Van Lustbader.  He was co-author for the Bourne series. 

Can  you believe that my nephew’s daughter is 7 years old today!!!  Now I feel old  :) 

Have a great weekend!!  Tomorrow I have to feed cats, rake up pine needles, do laundry and watch Nascar. 

Monday, March 22, 2010




The snow is melting, there are bits of green grass sprouting and the sun is shining. What more could you ask for, especially on a Monday?? 

Not much going on the last couple days.  I was pretty wiped out from feeding cats, training and a couple nights of not so much sleep last week. 

I have another lens appointment tomorrow and hopefully we will get them right this time!  I am trying out the new ‘multi-focal’  lenses.  Will keep you updated. 

Hope your Monday was good!! 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Rain or Sunshine??



At 7 a.m., the weather was quite undecided what it wanted to do today.  But, it ended up mostly sunny but windy. 

I went out to the cattery and then on to training. I have met a few really nice people during the training.  Some are retired, have no regular job, or only have summer jobs. Quite the interesting group.  I got home about 2:30 and then had to do a little review (as homework) on how to do the census on the Southern Ute Reservation.  That will start on Monday, hopefully.  (It’s the government, so we shall see!)

I have a few errands to run tomorrow after the cattery and of course, cleaning and laundry. 

The next two pictures are of Dusty Dawg, one of the breeders at PK Pixies cattery and I just thought it was so cool that when she was looking to her left, her claws were out on that foot, then she looked to her right and the claws on the right foot were out.  She is the best Pixiebob that I have seen so far. And she has a 2” natural tail with a little curl to it. Check out the feet:



Cool, huh?

The snow is really melting fast here and the trees are budding.  Spring is not quite here, and it doesn’t quit snowing here until summer (if then). 

Have a great weekend!! 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

(fuzzy) Thursday Sunrise



I KNOW!!  It’s fuzzy. But the colors are too great to not post this picture.  And, it’s at 6:55 a.m.

So, drove to Ignacio after feeding/taking care of cats, and had training until 4:30.  Then came home with this view ahead of me.


Wish I could have spent the whole day outside, as it was just gorgeous.  Only spent the time to and from the car for lunch and then on short breaks. 

Found out that there was a gas leak here this morning.  The pipe/hose broke off of the meter and so the fire department was up here….. The kids called and told me that they got Manley out and away from the house (on a leash). They also tried to get cats out but they were under the bed.  Aren’t they great kids?? 

Saw a couple of geese out in a field today on the way home.  I keep forgetting to tell you too that I had a coyote run across the road in front of me last week.  First coyote I have seen (other than in a zoo) in real life! He was fast!! 

When I got home, a package was waiting for me and inside was this purse.  It actually matches my wallet and checkbook cover (not as shiny, but same shade of green) that I got in Santa Fe last year. 


It’s the same brand (Bueno) as my brown purse that I bought at Gordman’s last fall.  Nice and soft and lots of pockets and comfy straps. 

Time for supper and tv. Hope y’all have a good night. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Sunrise



This was the scene as I drove out to the cattery this morning and then went to Census training for 8:30am in Ignacio.   Just got home at 3:15 and have to do the same thing tomorrow and Friday.  We are doing the Southern Ute Reservation.  And we have to go door to door for interviews, can’t just leave the questionnaires on the door knob.

Time to sit and relax and then think about supper.  More American Idol tonight.  Was a little disappointed with the performances last night.  They were doing Rolling Stones songs and nobody actually did any ROCKing.  They all changed up the songs to be slow and no shake, rattle and roll going on.  Guess I set my expectations too high?   Good vocals.  Siobahn got my vote last night. 

Have a good evening y’all and catch you next time!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Sunny Tuesday



This is what my day looked like!  How about yours? 

Manley got groomed, we took a walk, and laundry, dishes and cleaning got done.  Tonight it is American Idol and NCIS on tv. 

Life at the cattery is ok, no kittens yet. 

I will be training for another part of the Census job the next 3 days.  The job in Durango was taken care of by another group, so on to the next step.  Don’t know what exactly that is yet, but will know more tomorrow. 

No word on the job front.  Hope to hear soon, as I am getting restless here at home. 

The snow is really melting here and it was in the 50’s today.  The sun felt soooo nice and warm.  I bet both Manley and I got a little tan today! 

Hope we have nice weather the rest of the week.  Keep safe and happy blogging! 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Cats and Snowstorm



Mary, these are the two younger girls out at the cattery that I need to see which one is Lee. 


This is a picture for Walter, so he can see how big PJ is. 


And Walter, how much cuter of a picture can this one be?? 

So, this morning I went out to feed the cats…. with 1” of snow already on the ground.  I drove very carefully and my little Subaru handled just fine.  It had snowed another inch before I got home. 


Update on the interviews: the Strater Hotel already called 2 of the 3 referrals that I had listed.  I haven’t talked with the 3rd one yet.  And she called them about 10 minutes after I left the interview.  So, everybody keep their fingers crossed (except when driving in snow) and hope that they will hire me. 

I am going to relax and read a book and watch a movie or two today.  I have Pride and Glory for the movie and am reading Rules of Vengeance by Christopher Reich. 

Have to think of something to cook.  More soup or maybe make some hamburger patties.  Hope you all have a good day and stay warm!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Job Interviews

Yes, I said interviewsssssssssss. Plural. I had sent my resume to Allied Cash Advance and the Strater Hotel. So, of course, they called on the same day and so, of course, I scheduled them for the same day. First was Allied. It would involve a lot of phone calls, putting fliers on windshields for an hour each day, and collecting money. Not a lot of money, but something I could do if I had to.

Then, on to the Strater Hotel, the oldest hotel in Durango, on Main Ave and has 92 rooms. I was actually 1/2 hour early and Barb, the manager, was available. She didn't mind that I was early at all. We talked for at least 30 minutes about jobs, people and being a tourist. They want a mature person to be at the front desk and also be a shift manager. So, HERE I AM!!!!! It pays ok for Durango, and I think I would really enjoy it. I know the bellman, and realized today that I know the owners too----both from working at Walgreens. So I'm sure I got good references, and my BFF Danielle gave me a good reference too. Barb had called her within 1/2 hour after I left! WOW!

PLUS, my personal chef Chris emailed me about the jobs at Swing and they were starting to interview this next week and hiring for the end of March. He said he put in a very good word for me! He's so nice!

The Census job is slowwwww and I may get some hours yet this week. Oh, that's right, it's the Government and oh yeah, tomorrow is Friday!

To start the day, this a.m. I woke up at 4:15 (a.m.) by a cat walking across my bladder. I had told Mike, one of the kids in front, that I would take him to the airport for his 6:30 flight. And off we went at 5:05 a.m. From there I went to feed the cats. And then I called one the neighbor ladies out there that I knew from when I moved down here, and we went out to breakfast at the Sky Ute Casino. Then it was home, a snack and then my Jafra order arrived, I unpacked it, then off to the interviews.

I also saw my friend Deb at the store after my interviews. It was weird, cuz I had thought about putting her Jafra order in my car. Oh well. We'll get together this weekend.

I am also bringing up the mail and newspaper for the neighbors while they are in Arizona for their spring break. And all the kids are gone for a couple more days, so alone at last!! Enjoying the quiet.

No pictures today! Too busy to take any! Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010




These two are PJ.


This is little Button. I thought she was spayed.


Indy talking to me.


These are 3 youngsters. I do not know who they are. The one on the left is in heat.


This is Dusty Dawg.



Not sure if this is Lariat. Could not get a good picture of her tail. Will try again tomorrow.


I am pretty sure this is Riatta, but not certain.

If anybody can tell me who’s who, please do so!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mommy, What’s in the Bowl?



“Curiosity killed the cat”, but not today Kisa.

It is raining, has been raining since this morning and expected to rain tomorrow too.  The kitchen ceiling light fixture started dripping this afternoon.  So, I called the landlord and he will be by when it quits raining to see where the roof is leaking.  Kisa is checking out what’s in the bowl—and got a big drop on her head as she got closer.  It was hilarious.  Laughing too hard to get any more pictures though!!

I have spent the last few mornings going out and feeding the cats at PK Pixies.  It is taking much more time than I thought, as the cats are wanting attention and who can deny them? 

Other than that I have been cleaning my own place, reading, cooking, doing laundry and watching Nascar.   On to the Academy Awards.

Hope every one had a great weekend. 

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Last week I learned that my friend Pat had died. Her husband Kevin had died from cancer this past November. That was the couple that I was living with when I first moved down to Colorado after buying 2 pixiebobs from her. I cleaned the house and the cattery in exchange for room and board.
Pat died suddenly so her brother Jim and his wife JoAnn are here for over a week trying to get things settled. I had called and left a message that if they needed my help with the cats, to let me know. Well, they finally realized that they did indeed need my help and called me yesterday and so I drove out there. I will be feeding, cleaning litter boxes, and enclosures for Pat's cats and helping with litters (4 are due soon) where needed. I'm not sure for how long and I don't know for sure what is going to happen, but they do have someone interested in carrying on Pat's Pixiebob line, who might buy the place lock, stock, and barrell. Otherwise all of those cats will need a good home or to be placed in someone else's breeding program. I know some of the kittens about to be born are spoken for but there are records and emails for Jim and JoAnn to go through to find those potential buyers.
So, my day was just a little busy yesterday and will be for awhile, seeing as it is 30 miles out to the cattery. I am happy to help out where I can.
I'll let you know if there are any available cats or kittens when things get straightened out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lazy Day in Cat World



How do they sleep with their heads like that? Kalista is on the left, Sparkle on the right.

Just a lazy day for us all.  No work assignment today.  Evidentally the government doesn’t have it as ‘together’ as they think.  I hope no one is surprised at that. 

I actually was surprise when I woke up from a 2 hour nap this afternoon.  Fell asleep reading.  I haven’t taken a nap (unless sick) for months, if not years.  Felt pretty good too!!!

On the job front, I applied for a front desk/optho position at my contact lens check appointment yesterday morning.  They did not have an ad in the paper, just a sign on their door.  Luckily I had a resume’ in my car.  Plus I heard through the grapevine that there might be a Front Desk Agent opening at the Strater Hotel.  And I have a friend there who will put in a good word for me, as he knows me from Walgreens.  And I left a message for the Manager out at Swing, where I applied for a Floor Manager.  Chris, my personal chef, is the head chef there, so he put in a good word for me too!  

Plus, I sold my first Jafra set on Sunday to my friend Deb and will be calling a couple people tonight to set up their complimentary facials. 

So, I’m just plugging away here in Durango and hoping all of this snow melts soon.  It was 42 and sunny most of the day. The robins have been here for over a month, so it should be spring pretty soon!   It sounds like it is raining because the foot of snow on the roof above mine is melting and dripping. 

Hope every one had a great day!