Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trip to Mancos

back of dog park

This is the back of the dog park. I had taken a picture of the other side a week or so ago, but couldn’t get this side because there were too many cars in the way!! (Just thought I’d get both sides for you!)

Yesterday I went to training just down the road, where we got finger printed. They didn’t have the paperwork because of some of the mountain passes between here and Denver were closed due to snow, so it was just a half-day.

So, today I drove to Cortez for my census taking training. I took pictures on the way there and back. I will not post all of them (90) but just the really cool shots! You can click on them to enlarge.

So, here’s on the way to Cortez:

smelter mountain DSCN0542 DSCN0551 DSCN0554 DSCN0559 mesa verde This is Mesa Verde.

Now for the going home pictures:

going around the laplate county sign curve DSCN0601 DSCN0595

DSCN0618 DSCN0622

Back in Durango now!

I go to Cortez again Wed and Thursday and have hands-on training Friday here in Durango. Then on Monday, we’ll be all set to start the door-to-door verifying address, number of residents,… or leave the questionnaire on the door knob. They hope to have this area done in 3-4 weeks.

Then starting May 1, they will have crews go around and try to get counts on the houses that did not send their census in. They don’t decide who’s on those crews until a couple of weeks before.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Wow, very nice pictures! Looks like the roads were okay for you. Joyce

Julie said...

Cute blog!
