Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Cats


This looks like a shelf, but is in fact my little furnace. It has 50 bricks stacked into this unit and it is thermo-controlled. And see, only candles and flowers and vase.


Now, see the yellow eyes?? That would be Sparkle peeking at me.


And here she is all comfy and warm.


Then later she moved next to Kalista, who loves being on her back and is sound asleep.

Earlier today I was taking pictures from the south end of town.




This last picture is the small mountain inside the dog park. I would have gotten the rest of it had the other cars not been in my way while I was trying to drive and take pictures!! :)

More later!

1 comment:

Jacque. said...

I'd be afraid that Sparkle would knock over the vase. Nice warm place for her, though. Love the scenery shots.