Saturday, February 27, 2010

MY QUILT !!!!! :)


Oh my goodness.  It is just gorgeous!!  Isn’t it?  


DSCN0667 DSCN0670 DSCN0658

These are the two kitty quilts. 


And of course, Sparkle had to get on one and investigate!!

It was well worth the wait.  Thanks so much Jacque.  Your work is the best!! 


Jody said...

It IS gorgeous!!! I want a quilt too!!!! lol you need to put it on your bed and take a pic. Wasn't there pillow shams or something too???

jane augenstein said...

WOW!!! What a beautiful quilt! That Jacque is some quilter, love the colors in your quilt, I love greens. and the kitties got quilts too? Oh, boy! Lucky you. :-)

Jacque. said...

So glad you like it, Jua. I was happy to make it for you.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see tears in that pic? Did you cry????? It is so gorgeous!!!!
Put it on your bed as per your nieces instructions, then take a picture. Joyce