Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Gang’s All Here!!



Aren’t they just cute!!  Manley is hogging the sunshine.  Good Boy! 

Just a relaxing day today. Emailed my resume to 2 places in the paper.   It was about 45 degrees this afternoon and bright sunshine!

So, Nicole and I sat in the hot tub for 2+ hours, drank wine, chatted with the other kids when they came home from school and then I watched them play ‘beer pong’.  It’s like ping pong/pool/basketball all in one.   I got a little sun too.  (And yes, I had sunscreen on! )

Got a call about a UPS Store job yesterday, and then today I got an email from the Fort Lewis College (library position) and I passed the first hurdle.  They will let me know in a couple of weeks about the next step. 

But, I have my training for the Census Taker position this next week.   I committed to that so have to follow through. 

I found out last night that Shaun White, the snowboarder who got the gold last night, had a half-pipe built  in Silverton, CO.  That’s an hour north of here, and the college kids up front know where it is.  And Chelsea had a friend who dated Shaun!   Plus, Eliot, who was one of the first 3 original kids, knows Billy Kidd, the skier, who has a ranch in Steamboat Springs, CO.

Plus, I got my Jafra case today!!  Looked through the brochures….. and am excited to start!   I talked with Nicole about it and she is excited to see what it is all about and get a complimentary facial. 

And…… quilt, kitty blankets, and pillowcases are done and will be sent to me very soon!  I will of course take pictures and share!! 

So, everything is happening at once here and finally!!! 

Want  pictures?  Okay:


Kisa on my lap all covered up. 


My bobcat Kalista up in the cat tree.


Sparkle and her yellow eyes!


Manley had a tough day---being Manley. 

Have a great day guys and take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the UPS Store or the library calls you back, take the job. The census thing is short and you need something permanent and long term plus you can still do the Jafra too then. Good luck! Joyce