Monday, March 23, 2009

Busy Sunday

Yesterday was a busy day. I got up early, went to let Jeff's dogs out and took Manley with. So, I left Manley in the van until I fed Mattie and Jazzie and let them out to go potty. So, then I hooked Mattie up to the flexi-lead, Jazzie to 2 leashes attached end to end, then went to get Manley. Well, Mattie LOVES Manley and was in his face saying hi and all that, Jazzie was in his face saying hi cause she had never met him, and I am trying not to get wound up in the 3 lines. I bet I looked comical out there trying to get 3 dogs to move straight ahead. So, after a block or two every one calmed down and we had a pretty good walk. I think Manley was wondering WHY ME???
Well, I was tired when we got back to Jeff's. When I left, I noticed there was about an hour before I should go home, as the house was being shown. So, I went to the store and picked up a couple of items, then had a bright idea. I took Manley down to the Animas River and sat there for awhile. Seeing as how Manley (age 7 & 1/2) has never been swimming, I wasn't sure how he would take to the water. Well, he wanted to go in farther but I only had him on a short leash. Plus, the river is running fast from all of the melt off from the mountains. So, next time I will have a longer leash and more time. But, it was nice just sitting along the river and relaxing in the sun. I actually have a couple of pictures on my phone of Manley in the water watching a duck.
When I got home I did laundry and cleaned, sat out in the hot tub for a short while and went in to start cooking my chicken for the next couple of days.
THEN it got WINDY!! A big gray mass moved in from the north and I thought we were all going to blow away! Kalista tried to sneak out the door and chase leaves while I was letting Manley out, but luckily she hesitated and I caught her in time. I watched the Nascar race, did dishes, ate supper and watched some tv. About 9 pm it started snowing and this morning there was an inch of snow on the ground.
Today was a good day. Not too busy at work and got a lot of little extras done. I then stopped at the store and bought some items to make brownies. OH!! I got my studs taken off and my other tires put on Saturday, and Sammy did not charge me a dime. I tried sneaking money in his shirt, but he was having no part of that. So, tomorrow I will be dropping off brownies for him and his crew and I gave the 4 guys in the front of the house some for their dessert tonight.
I decided this weekend that I am going to get my hair cut short again. I am tired of trying to decide how to style it every morning. Some of you will see it Memorial Day weekend.
Now it is time to get ready for bed. Hope you all had a great day and have a good day tomorrow.
Love, Julie


Jacque. said...

I don't know how long your hair is now, but I liked it when you were here last fall. Don't have it as short as it was when you lived here...makes you look older. Ya know? Glad you're keeping busy...typical CO weather...warm and then snow. ha! Will be nice to see Manley having fun in the water...once you get a digital camera, that is.

Anonymous said...

It sounds so nice to go for a walk in the sun!! We had 6 inches of snow on Saturday! It warms up to 40 just to tease us then snows again just to remind me of where we live!!! No volcanic action today! Looking forward to seeing you, hair or not, in May!!!