Friday, December 4, 2009




This is Sparkle, who is looking for another name.  She knows her name very well, so it has to sound about the same.  And no, not Sparkie or Farkle.  So make some suggestions!  (Her mom’s name was Hannah and her grams’ name was Twinkle.)

So, first day of work yesterday was good.  Time flew by and my friend Catherine stopped in and visited a minute.

Albertson’s is a lot different than most pharmacies in Durango.  It is slower and less stressful.  And their computer system is way behind the times but they are hoping to get either a new system or update this one. 

I will be working 4 days a week, and have Saturday and Sundays off.  Yippee!! 

I also have another dog sitting client.  Susan is one of the pharmacists at Albertson’s.  She has one dog (Malamute/Husky mix) and he just needs to be fed and played with once a day.  He otherwise lives outside on their 5 acres. 

Nothing much planned for the weekend.  A couple movies to watch and a few other chores.  Y’all have a great weekend! And stay warm.  It was 2 degrees this morning when I got up.  BRRRR!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going well. It will be nice to have all your weekends off. If they need you will they call you in on weekends, in case you need more money?
Waiting to hear when Jon gets in. Joyce