Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Sound of Rolling Thunder

You all have heard the term 'rolling thunder', right?? Well, the past hour I have been listening to it. A storm has moved in on the east side of Durango, yet the sun still shines on the west side of Durango. It is phenomenal. It seemed like the clouds were all rolling over and under one another and bouncing off the mountain tops. I thought it was going to really pour but it only sprinkled. I have never seen a storm like this before. It was brewing all day today and finally is going north, which is a strange direction for a storm, I think. Wish I had a camera! I will soon though.

WEEKEND OFF: doing what I want when I want how I want and where I want.
That's my explanation of my first weekend off in 9 months.

I got up at 7:30 a.m., made and drank coffee, did dishes, took out the garbage, then got dressed and went downtown to the Farmer's Market. All of the greens are out at this time of year (lettuce, spinach, radishes, turnips...) I bought a loaf of bread and a piece of pottery that I'll be using as a tomato keeper. It's kind of like a colander. I bought two different kinds of coffee and Durango Joe's. One is Southern Pecan and the other is Snikerdoodle. (Kind of reminded me of Doodlehead Manley! )

I then stopped in at the library and picked up 3 books, one being 'True Detectives' by Jonathan Kellerman.

I also stopped at the store and bought ingredients to make pork fajitas and pico de gallo.

When I got home the boys were gone so I took the opportunity to sit in the hot tub and soak plus soak up some sun. I justed putzed all day, making the fajitas and pico, clipping 2 of the 3 cat's nails, read some of 'First Family' by David Baldacci and then watched this storm blow in. I also set up the sprinkler and watered lawn for 4 hours, which is 2 areas. The flowers are brilliant. I have orange poppies, purple iris, white daisies, some small lilly-type yellow and purple flower, and small pink alysum.

I spent some time out by the pond/waterfall and enjoying the view and giving Bandit some attention.

Tomorrow will be the day to vacuum, dust, change bed, do laundry. dishes and clean the bathroom. Then the Nascar race will be on in the afternoon.
Y'all have a good day and be safe.


jane augenstein said...

Wow, Julie, sounds like the storm was a really bad one somewhere. I like to hear thunder, in the distance that is, the rolling, rumbling is really neat to hear. Lightening is interesting too as long as it's far away! I don't like electrical storms, very scary. you getting a camera soon??? If so what kind?
~Jane and Gilly~

kks said...

how was your vacation?

Jacque. said...

Yeah, Jua...not a word about your vacation???

dexmangoldens said...

to KKS, Jacque and Jane and Gilly---will blog about my nice vacation later. Just cleaning the place and doing laundry right now.