Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stay on the Sidewalk

Manley is just way too smart. We went down to the mailbox to get yesterday's mail, about 2 long blocks away. There is a sidewalk that starts on the other side of the street from the end of the driveway. Of course, I would rather walk on a sidewalk, so we did. Manley started to go off into the street twice and I told him to "stay on the sidewalk". So he did. On the way back up I cut off from the sidewalk about 6 feet short of the end. Well, Mr. Manley 'stayed on the sidewalk' until it ran out and then we went up the driveway together. I just shook my head and walked home.

Yesterday I did quite of few chores, like house cleaning, laundry, change bed, dishes, garbage, cleaned out the hot tub, cut some spindley branches off the trees that were too low, and mowed the lawn. I even could count on one hand how many clouds were in the sky, and they were small ones at that. The rest of the day I was either sitting in the hot tub, sitting in the shade reading a book, or listening to music. I also ate a couple of meals in there too and started watering lawn where it was shaded. The book I am almost done reading is by Steve Martini and the title is Guardian of Lies. My next book will be by Brad Thor and is The Apostle.

Lora and her family are home from their vacation, so no more driving out to Bayfield to feed their lifeforms out there.

My toenails are now Banana Bandanna again. I also did that yesterday.

Today is going to be quiet. I woke up with a migraine this morning and tried sleeping it off (hard to do with 3 cats wanting breakfast) and then we have the Manley who just sleeps on the bed until after I visit the little girls room.

I will be checking out airfares and bus fares and maybe rental car fares for my trip to Wisconsin in October. I think with all of the people and friends I want to see, it'd be easier to rent a car at the airport and then I don't have to bother any body else to give me rides or pick me up. We'll see how expensive it is.

Well, off to start the rest of the day.
What are y'all doing today???


Anonymous said...

Won't Jacque let you use her car to visit others? You can fly in to MSP with me, visit mom then take the bus to Madison then Jill and I can pick you up from sister weekend. We all need to talk about sister weekend too.
It is soooooooooooooo nice out! Went outside and blew bubbles with the girls. Joyce

dexmangoldens said...

We'll have to ask Jacque that! She has already said for my friends to meet me in Stoughton or come and pick me up. We'll ask though.