Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Sunny Sunday

Hey all!! It's not even 10 a.m. and I have quite a few things done.

The weather is gorgeous, no clouds that I can see and perfect blue skies.
They say it's suppose to get up in the 80's again today.

Let me tell you about yesterday first. I went to Farmer's Market and got my fruit and veggies, then went and exchanged a tie-out for Manley at the pet store, got my hair done, then stopped at the store for meat.
When I got home, one of the guys (Elliot) was packing up and leaving to return to Steamboat. He will be missed around here. He was always so polite and respectful of others and his dog Kona was so nice. Manley really got along well with her. So, I guess another girl will be moving in to take his place. Michael is kind of worried that he'll be waaaayyyy out numbered, but he can hang out with Manley and Bandit. :)

Did some laundry, changed my bed, straightened up around here, read and finally got on the computer mid-afternoon. Made sure I would be around for the Nascar race today and doubt if I will see the Packers play. Guess I could watch the Broncos once in awhile.

Talked with Jacque for awhile in the evening and then it was bedtime.

This morning I woke up, dressed in my hiking clothes, drove up to pick Harley (Kyle's black lab) dog, went hiking on some of the little trails around the development and then came home.

Now I have to vacuum, dust, clean bathroom, mow the lawn, straighten a few cupboards, and switch out the summer/winter clothes.

My youngest sister will be here in another 8-10 days for a night or two. I am all excited, cuz I get to spend time here with her in the evenings and then when I go to Wisc. I'll get to see her for a couple of days up there too!!

You should see Kalista sneeaaking out of the bedroom watching out for Harley. She truly looked like a bobcat. She is just the image of her dad. Almost as big too!!

Well, off to vacuuming and dusting and such. Y'all have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were quite busy this weekend! I did not cleaning, just hung out with 4 kids!!! That was work enough but fun! Joyce