Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Van Slipped and I Couldn't Get Up My Hill

It is a dark, dreary, cold Saturday. BRRRRR!!!! Good thing I am working inside today. We got at least 2 feet of snow this last week. My neighbor next door snowblowed a path from my door to his driveway in case I had to park my van in his second driveway. Then he took me to work, as he told me that I will not get back up the hill without 4 wheel drive or studs on. (Studs are getting put on as we speak.) Then I got a ride home from Lora to the bottom of the driveway.
The other night I could not get up the driveway, so I had to park on the street below. But last night I got up the hill but could not turn into my driveway to park in the garage, so I had to park in the neighbors second drive. Such is the life in Durango!
At least Manley has fun playing and frolicking in the snow and trying to eat the icey parts! The cats eat the snow he drags in on his feet and legs if he doesn't get to it first.

I am not working at the EconoLodge next Saturday, therefore will have 4 days off in a row. And therefore, no blog. I am taking my last personal day from Walgreens on Friday. I am excited, as I can get a lot of things done and if weather cooperates I can hike with Manley or go on a scenic drive! Plus, I am dogsitting a 2 year old Beagle through Sunday.
I want to wish every one a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I will miss my family over the Holidays, but will be in touch by phone. I have gotten a few presents from friends already and am anxiously awaiting to see what my sisters are making/sending!! Hopefully all of my packages have arrived in Wisconsin.

Walgreens has hired someone to help out in the pharmacy. Wendy will be helping out on Wed., Friday, and Saturdays. She has not had any teching experience, but is mature and willing to learn. So, I am excited to finally have some help. We have been doing over 200 prescriptions daily with only 2 people there most of the time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Lots of love to all.


Jacque. said...

Hey Jua...have fun with all the snow! We are getting lots here, as well. Busy finishing up Christmas and Birthday gifts this weekend...and probably into next weekend. You should have your package today or Monday. Love you.

kks said...

happy holidays to you too!!
hugs and kisses to manley

Anonymous said...

Hey there sister!
Glad you guys down there in the lower 48 are getting all the snow!!
Nothing like temperatures colder down there than up here too!!!
The world is crazy! Glad you had help on getting to work and studs is definitely the way to go, I have them too.
Love you, Joyce