Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunshine While Raining



Having a quiet day at home.  I slept in and then did some cleaning, laundry and changed the bed.  Now I am watching Nascar, may take Manley for a walk (depending on weather) and then watch Sunday Night Football with the Packers and Vikings. 

Question:  In the paper the other day they were talking about “Favre’s Vikings”.   Did he buy them???  cuz otherwise it would also be “Rodgers’ Packers”  RIGHT?????? Just wanted to point that out to somebody.

I just received Sugarland’s new CD ‘The Incredible Machine’.   I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!   Good thing I had the volume cranked up cuz I got shivers from Jennifer’s very first note!  I am mailing Jenni her own cd tomorrow that I got her for her birthday—yes, 3 weeks ago.   I hope she likes it as much as I do!!  I normally don’t buy gifts for my nieces or nephews, but I got a great price and knew she would love me forever then!!   Just kidding!   I knew she would love getting the cd as she has seen them in person a lot. 

So, tomorrow I have a busy day off.  Manley has a recheck at the vet’s at 8 am, then off to the post office, gas, library, grocery store, pet food store, and then out to the cattery.  Manley still has a small hematoma at the very bottom of his ear (just a tad smaller than a dime—3cm???) that has not gone away with his vetalog shot last Monday.  (I know there’s a better word in place of ‘gone away’ but can not think of it.  Dissolved?  Oh well,  :) Jacque will correct me when she reads this and replies.)   He is still on his antibiotics for another 2 days but I quit the pain pills when I was able to palpate his ear without him being too sensitive.  He has been so good in not scratching or rubbing on his ear.  I think he probably tried scratching once and realized that that hurt!!  Maybe he can get most of the pink vet wrap cut off tomorrow and just leave some around the stitches til they’re taken out in another week or so. 

Well, back to the races!!  Hope y’all have a great day. 

1 comment:

Jacque. said...

What they did in surgery was to cut a sliver of skin out of his ear so that the fluid would continue to drain while the blood vessels healed up. Correct? So, if he has a bit of fluid down in the very tip of his ear, it likely isn't able to drain. The body will slowly absorb it...the steroid injection was to hasten that along. My best guess, anyway. Glad Manley's doing okay. No fun to have something like that. Poor boy.