Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Day Wednesday



Timing is everything!!

Had a good day today.  Had my 90 day review with Nickie and Tom.  We discussed many things: where I wanted to be in a year, how we can improve customer relations,  what I like most about my job…………….   Well, needless to say, they want me to stick around and be part of the New Country family.  Nickie has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the customers and fellow employees.  I have settled in nicely and am part of the team.  I am thrilled, to say the least!! 

Plus, I got an email today from a lady who is interested in buying some breeders!   So, if every one buys/takes who they say, we will be down to just a couple of cats.  Then, I’ll be out of a job, but will have more time to do things with my own pets. 

I get to see my niece again this Sunday, plus her daughter and Reuben.  We will meet for lunch and then she has to come and inspect my apartment.  Guess that means I have to clean.  And comb my dog. 

Okay, time to watch a little tv and go to bed. 

I finished reading Jeffery Deaver’s ‘The Burning Wire’.  LOVED IT!!!! 


Jacque. said...

What a good day...a great review, buyers for the cats and you finished a book! woohoo!

(I, too, loved the book.)

Anonymous said...

Now I can't wait to read the book! Glad your review was good! When you are done with taking care of the cats perhaps you can have more time to sell some Jafra too!
Later, Joyce