Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall, Cats, Football….



So, long time since I blogged.  A lot going on, a lot ending and seasons changing!  The leaves are turning and fall weather is here. 

My job is going great. Made a nice bonus this last month since I started making some collection calls.  Never a dull minute!!

Found homes for all of the cats.  What a relief!! Some are in California, some are in Iowa, and some are in Texas.  I have 5 extra cats (all in crates) here at the apartment waiting for the transport guy to get here and take them to their new homes.  Only a couple more days and then it will be just Kisa, Manley and me.  What to do??

I will still go out to the house and make sure Sully and Molly have enough food, water and are okay at least once a week. 

It sure will be different not going out to the cattery/house daily as I have been doing that for over 6 months.  There were a lot of good memories made out there. And the house looks totally different.  There were so many changes made inside and outside.  Sanded floors, new fixtures, new furniture, no more cat enclosures, trees planted, lawn nice and green, driveway repaved, ……………..

Jim and Joann have returned to Las Vegas after getting the house ready to sell.  It didn’t go up for auction after all, so they will put it up for sale when spring rolls around. They will be visiting every so often.  We have all become fairly good friends and have fun together.  

Football season started.  And I got to see the Packers win yesterday!!  It is not often that they televise the Packers in this area so it was a treat!

Manley is in desperate need of a grooming and bath.  Saturday and Sunday might look like good days!!  But, what Sat and Sun!!! 

Still sort of doing my diet.  Lost 11 pounds and gained 1 back.  Have to start walking my dog along the river and enjoy the scenery, the sound of rushing water, leaves turning colors, while my favorite season is here. 

Farmers Market only lasts another 3 Saturdays.  Then no more lemon cucumbers, pattypan squash or roasted green chiles. 

A funny cat story:  I had put Deuce in a small travel crate and set that in the back of my car.  Well, as I am rounding a curve, I see the crate moving slowly from one side to the other.  OOPPS!  Forgot there were wheels on it!!  So, I’m sure Deuce was glad to get out of that one!!  I could just hear him thinking/saying  whhhhheeeeeee as he was traveling from one side of the car to the other! 

Ok, til next time!! 


Jacque. said...

Okay, I knew all of what you wrote, but it's good you had some time to write on your blog! Kisses and hugs to Kisa and Manley. Hope the 5 cats get transported soon!

Anonymous said...

Finally there is something to read when I check your blog!!! LOL
Good to hear your news!