I now have a glider chair and a bed. Very comfy and good deals on both. So, my bedroom really does look like a bedroom now.
Job is going great. Some days a lot of time is spent on my feet but at least I have a job.
Manley is enjoying the summer weather and chewing on sticks in the yard.
I have been out in the garden weeding and what a chore that is!! No tiller to help, so all by hand.
I have a large amount of lettuce, cilantro and radishes so far. I got 10 tomato plants from Claire, our landlord, plus broccoli and squash. They are growing by leaps and bounds and so are the squash and green beans that I planted. It's nice to have a garden again. I haven't had one for quite a few years and am enjoying it.
Saturday I went to a get-together at my bff's Danielle's. She lives about 1 mile from Warner Park, where the Rhythm and Booms happen. We had a couple of drinks then headed down there. I have some pictures on facebook that I took with my Blackberry. Haven't been to fireworks for ages.
Finished taking off the flowered (blue, pink, lavender) wallpaper in the bathroom this morning. I will be painting it Eggshell soon.
Jacque and I went to Culvers for lunch. Then I will be making strawberry margaritas for us later so we can sit in our chairs outside and watch the traffic speed by.
The weather is warm and a tad humid but there is a slight breeze.
Really not much else going on. Just work, garden, read, watch tv and let dogs out.
OH!!!! I finally got to watch Snow Buddies. It's about 5 Golden Retriever pups that end up in Alaska and learn to dog sled............... It was good!
So, going to go read and relax for the rest of the day. Hope y'all had a great weekend!!!
Waitin' on those margaritas, sis!
So glad to get an update!!!!!!!
Sounds like things are going well.
It has been forever since I had a garden when I lived in strum and before jon was born!!
Cheers!! Enjoy the margaritas!!!
I can't believe you finally watched that movie!! Isn't it the cutest? I love when Rosebud gets her new hat, she is so cute!!
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