Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wet Cats



But they smell good now!!!!  On the left is Miss Molly and on the right is Sully.  These are the 2 barn cats that were still out at the cattery.  I have them for a few (?) days until they catch the varmint that is ripping open and eating the cat food.  Raccoon?  Squirrel?

Seeing they have lived outside for at least 5 years and haven’t been bathed for that long, I gave them both a bath this afternoon so my place didn’t smell like a barn, or worse.  They were both fairly good and even tolerated their nails being trimmed. 



Catherine and I went to Farmington today.  She even bought coffee and bagels for the trip down.  I have been vegging the rest of the day and just watching tv tonight. 

Tomorrow I need to get online and finish my continuing ed for my pharm tech certification.  Then Nascar, laundry, football and some cleaning. 

This next week I will be working Monday through Saturday as we are closed on Thanksgiving Day and I don’t want to lose too many hours. 

I woke up to about an inch of snow Thursday morning but with the sun coming out it all melted.  There is at least a foot of snow up in the mountains that I’ll have to get some pictures of.   The nights have been cold and daytime highs of 45.  Layers are the answer for this area!!  

Y’all have a good rest of the weekend!! 


Anonymous said...

We had 7 inches of snow one day last week than last night it started snowing and then got up to 50 at midnight and today it's all slush!!!!
Very strange weather.

Jacque. said...

Busy girl. How is Manley dealing with the cats? And, them him? Have fun with your online continuing ed!

Call me.

Anonymous said...

Awww, cute kitties!! I would like to see their faces:) I love kitty faces, Brady has the cutest kitty face! Sounds like you had a great weekend.