Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yes folks, it is Sunday. The last day of the weekend. The first day on a calendar. A day of rest and relaxation.

Fall is certainly in the air here in Colorado. It got down to 45 degrees last night and I am now attired in sweat pants, t shirt and fleece shirt, and socks. The sun is out and just coming up over the hill at 8:45 am and will help warm it up to about 75 today. That's it for the weather report! :)
Yesterday was a good day. Finally crawled out of bed at 8am, went down to Farmers Market and got my veggies for the week, then went to Healthy Hounds and Fat Cats and poor Manley had a bath. They have a nice dryer now and blew out a lot of his summer hair. He pouted for a while but got over it when we got home.

There was laundry to be done, cleaning, dishes and a pork roast to be made. Somehow it all got done in between reading a book and watching some tv.

Today Manley will be pouting. I have to groom him. Ya know, it is really amazing that Dexter loved it and Manley hates it. Such different dogs.

Did y'all look at my sister's blog?? Go here. She has a picture she posted yesterday. She will tell the story in a day or so I guess. Isn't that just the cutest puppy??? I laughed and laughed and then laughed some more.

Within the next hour it will be warm enough to set up the grooming table outside in the sun and get Manley groomed.

Then there's the Nascar race and football on tv this afternoon. So y'all will know where my butt will be! Yup! In my recliner.

Did I mention that I am done with Christmas AND birthday shopping for my family? I am bringing the gifts up to Wisconsin in 3 weeks so I can save on shipping.

Wow, 3 weeks and I'll be at the airport meeting my sister Joyce from Alaska, then going to Eau Claire/Wausau and Madison to see the rest of the family and many friends. I'm pretty excited!! Haven't seen them for over a year. (Except Joyce and Jody).

Well, I will be anxiously awaiting to see what Jacque is going to write on her blog about the puppy in the basket. Isn't that puppy cute?? LOL

Must go begin the torture on Manley.


Jacque. said...

you're weird.

Yeah, I was just counting this just over 3 weeks you'll be here in Madison. YIKES! Lots to get done before then!

I might be able to write about that pup (almost 4 in that photo) tonight. Probably tomorrow, though.

Have a good day!
DWTS starts tomorrow...YAY!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a good Sunday like I am. I have as many kids here as you have pets so we are both busy! I am not doing any grooming today though other than combing the girls' hair and putting in their hair ties for a pony tail!!! LOL

dexmangoldens said...

Well, I know I'm weird Jacque.
Joyce--not the same as grooming!! LOL