Sunday, August 30, 2009


There is a mining and lumber town about an hour north of Durango that I have wanted to go to for quite a while. So, today I packed up a few items, grabbed Manley and a leash, stopped to pick up Deb and off to Silverton we went! The view is absolutely gorgeous. I am so glad I have a sunroof so I could see more! We were up about 11,000 feet at one time. Not a road to be on in the snowy weather. There are no guard rails most of the way. The roads are twisty curvy and steep.

The town is small but has a lot of cute shops along the main drive. Manley got to go in a couple of shops, and could have gone in more had I been able to carry him. NOT! Had lunch in an old saloon type restaurant, bought a t-shirt that reached out and grabbed me and was calling my name. (Just ask Deb) I will take it to Wisconsin so some of you can see it. I also bought a small glass hummingbird to hang in my north window. It is purple and green and gold.

On the way back we stopped at a lake to see where Deb's son will be married and then at Honeyville, where they have honey (of course) and flavored honey, flavored wine, candles, Burts Bees products and barbq sauces. We even got to taste test some of the wine.

It was partly cloudy and we watched a big storm move into the mountains by Silverton. It was a very good day. Deb knows a lot of the history and so I am well informed now.

Made eggplant parmigan this afternoon. First time I have cooked and/or eaten it. It's not bad.

Well, the start of another work week, dog/house sitting and then Labor Day and I get to see some of my family.

Y'all have a good week and will chat soon.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day!! Glad you can enjoy the area more now with a dependable vehicle. Did the car come with a maintenance agreement to cover certain things?
Have a good day. Joyce

dexmangoldens said...

Joyce, yes, it has a main. agreement. Mostly big stuff.